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You can make us a donation by bank transfer

Intensive Rehabilitation Foundation
Rue du Buc, 35 - 5530 Evrehailles (Yvoir)
FINTRO Bank - BE40 1431 1462 1163

Make a bequest to IRF without disadvantaging your heirs thanks to the duo bequest

Are you thinking of making a donation to IRF in your will but you want to avoid putting your heirs at a disadvantage?

The duo bequest is the solution: you don't put your heirs at a disadvantage and in some cases even allow them to pay less inheritance tax and increase the equity in their inheritance. During an inheritance, depending on the level of kinship, the inheritance tax can go up to 80%. Often, the heirs only have a small portion of the sum left. The duo bequest allows almost all of your inheritance to reach the heirs. In what way ? It is the foundation that takes care of the inheritance rights of your other heirs. You don't put them at a disadvantage, they pay less inheritance tax and you support patients who need it. For more information on duo bequests, consult your notary.

What are donations and bequests for: the IRF Support Fund

In order to allow as many children as possible to participate in intensive rehabilitation courses while demonstrating the possibility of organizing them by paying professionals, IRF has decided to create a support fund. Concretely, the families of the children who come for the internship pay an independent professional who pays a percentage to IRF to cover the costs of renting the building and purchasing equipment. Once these costs are covered, the surplus as well as the donations / bequests received participate in the development of the support fund which can intervene with parents who request it in order to pay part of the costs of the therapy.


Since its creation in 2010 IRF has benefited from the support of many people who have enabled its various projects to see the light of the day. Many thanks to each of them. In addition to private donations, IRF is supported by foundations or companies. A special thanks to the Pierre Guilmot Foundation, which has supported us since our first steps and has made many dreams possible. Our sincere gratitude to CODABOX for choosing IRF as one of the charities they offer their clients to support. A big thanks to Tecnix sprl who offered a very generous gift - this new website - to IRF.